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  • 💎 SEO Gems #1: Welcome to SEO Gems! + Keyword Research Gems

💎 SEO Gems #1: Welcome to SEO Gems! + Keyword Research Gems

Welcome to the first edition of SEO Gems! We're kicking things off with a question we get often: where to start with Keyword Research!

💎 SEO Gems #1: Welcome!.. and some Keyword Research Gems 🕵️‍♂️

Hello, fellow SEOs and entrepreneurs! Welcome to the first ever issue of SEO Gems 💎.

Our goal is simple: The world of SEO is getting more and more complex. There are a ton of awesome creators, Redditors, and entrepreneurs sharing useful hacks. We want to summarize them and make them actionable for SEOs, startup operators, and solopreneurs so we can all grow together.

Before we jump in, if there’s anyone in your network that you think would be interested, please please please refer them! We’re offering $20 Amazon gift cards to anyone that reaches 5 referrals! 🤝

For our first issue, we want to focus on a question we get a lot from our customers at MEGA SEO: Keyword Research.

Lets get into it.

💎 Gems

🔍 Gem #1: Importance of Keyword Research

  • "68% of online activity starts with a query in a search engine like Google or Bing." (0:11, Favorite Keyword Research Strategy)

  • "The truth is keyword research is the most critical skill for SEO because if you don't do it right, you'll end up going after keywords that are not a good fit for your business." (0:15, How to Do SEO Keyword Research 2024 Update)

  • "Without the right keyword strategy, all your content efforts could be wasted on keywords that are either too competitive or irrelevant." (0:15, Keyword Research Tutorial 2024 by Adam Enfroy)

Summary: Keyword research isn't just a step in the process—it's the foundation of a successful SEO strategy. Most online experiences start with a search, making it crucial to identify the right keywords. This means selecting terms that align with what your audience is searching for while avoiding overly competitive or irrelevant terms.

How to use this for your blog: Prioritize keyword research by using tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, or Moz to find keywords with high search volume but manageable competition. This will help you create content that resonates with your target audience and ranks well on search engines.

📊 Gem #2: Leveraging Keyword Research Tools

  • "Use Ubersuggest to see search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and cost per click." (1:18, Favorite Keyword Research Strategy)

  • "SEMrush is invaluable for exporting your whole keyword profile and identifying low-hanging fruit." (1:05, How to Do SEO Keyword Research 2024 Update)

  • "Google Search Console is a free tool that can show you all the keywords you are currently ranking for, which is a great starting point." (1:23, How to Do SEO Keyword Research 2024 Update)

Summary: Tools like Ubersuggest, SEMrush, Google Search Console, and Google Keyword Planner provide valuable insights into search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty, enabling you to refine your keyword list. They can help you identify opportunities to improve your rankings and visibility.

How to use this for your blog: Use your intuition to get started, intuition alone won’t get the job done. Regularly use these tools to analyze your website's performance. Export keyword data, identify keywords that are underperforming or have high potential, and adjust your content strategy accordingly. This will help you optimize existing content and plan new topics that align with search trends.

🛠️ Gem #3: Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

  • "Long-tail keywords with lower competition can yield great results." (SEO keyword research guide, 12:11)

  • "I see a lot of beginners make mistakes by choosing really broad targeted words or obscure phrases that no one is searching for." (1:02, Favorite Keyword Research Strategy)

  • "If you want to drive meaningful traffic, go for long-tail keywords that are highly specific and relevant to your niche." (1:00, SEO Changing)

Summary: Long-tail keywords are often overlooked but can drive significant traffic. They tend to have lower competition and are more likely to convert because they cater to more specific queries.

How to use this for your blog: Incorporate long-tail keywords into your content to attract a targeted audience. These keywords typically indicate a higher intent to purchase or engage, making them valuable for blogs that aim to convert readers into customers. You should even target keywords that appear in the tools above, but have 0 (yes, zero!) search volume - if they’re appearing, their volume isn’t actually zero.

🔄 Gem #4: Categorizing Keywords for Better Strategy

  • "Categorize keywords based on position: low hanging fruit (positions 2-15), existing (16-50), and clustering opportunities (51-100)." (4:00, SEO keyword research guide)

  • "Focus on low-hanging fruits that are within reach to improve your search engine rankings quickly." (3:39, SEO keyword research guide)

  • "Identifying these categories helps prioritize which keywords to target first for maximum impact." (Keyword Research Tutorial 2024 by Adam Enfroy)

Summary: By categorizing keywords according to their current rankings, you can strategically decide which ones to optimize first. Targeting low-hanging fruit keywords allows for quicker wins, while existing and clustering opportunities build long-term authority.

How to use this for your blog: Start by optimizing content for keywords that are already ranking well but could improve with a little effort. Then, focus on existing keywords that need more optimization and finally, target those that are potential opportunities to cluster around and create content hubs.

🧠 Gem #5: Understanding Keyword Intent

  • "When we're thinking about keyword intent, we need to ask: what is the searcher trying to accomplish with this query?" (10:24, SEO keyword research guide)

  • "Transactional keywords should be prioritized for conversion-focused content." (10:30, SEO keyword research guide)

  • "Informational keywords are valuable for driving traffic and establishing authority, but don't always convert well." (10:06, SEO keyword research guide)

Summary: Keyword intent is crucial in determining how to use keywords in your content. Understanding whether a keyword is informational, navigational, transactional, or commercial can guide how you create and position content.

How to use this for your blog: Identify the intent behind your target keywords and tailor your content accordingly. Use transactional and commercial keywords for product pages and calls to action, while reserving informational keywords for educational content that builds trust and authority.

🚀 Gem #6: Low Competition, High Intent Keywords

  • "Finding low competition keywords with high intent can be the holy grail for SEO success." (How to Do SEO Keyword Research 2024 Update)

  • "The goal is to find keywords that you can realistically rank for and that align with what your customers are looking for." (1:30, Working with Search Console API)

  • "Use filters in keyword research tools to isolate keywords with low difficulty but high commercial or transactional intent." (8:24, SEO keyword research guide)

Summary: Keywords that have both low competition and high intent provide an excellent opportunity to rank well and drive conversions. These keywords are often underutilized by competitors and can be a strategic advantage.

How to use this for your blog: Filter keyword lists using tools to find low competition and high intent keywords. Focus on these to create targeted content that can rank quickly and generate conversions. This strategy is particularly effective for new blogs or businesses with less domain authority.

📈 Gem #7: Using Competitor Analysis for Keyword Discovery

  • "Competitor analysis can reveal untapped keyword opportunities by showing you what keywords others rank for that you don't." (21:42, SEO keyword research guide)

  • "Analyzing your competitors' keywords helps you understand what is working in your industry and what gaps you can fill." (22:02, SEO Changing)

  • "Extracting keywords from competitors who are already doing well saves time and helps in building a targeted keyword strategy." (23:03, Keyword Research Tutorial 2024 by Adam Enfroy)

Summary: Analyzing your competitors' keyword strategies can help you identify gaps in your own strategy and uncover new keyword opportunities. This approach leverages the hard work competitors have already done in finding successful keywords.

How to use this for your blog: Use tools like SEMrush’s Keyword Gap feature to compare your keyword profile with those of your competitors. Identify untapped keywords and create content that targets these areas, filling gaps in the market.

🌟 Gem #8: The Role of Content Clusters

  • "Content clusters can significantly improve your site's SEO by creating a web of interconnected articles around a central topic." (SEO keyword research guide, 27:42)

  • "Clustering opportunities involve grouping related keywords to build authority around a particular subject." (4:29, SEO keyword research guide)

  • "Creating topic clusters helps in organizing content logically, which can improve user experience and rankings." (5:25, Keyword Research for Your Niche)

Summary: Content clusters involve creating multiple pieces of content around a central topic and interlinking them. This strategy not only boosts SEO but also enhances user experience by providing comprehensive information.

How to use this for your blog: Identify core topics relevant to your niche and create clusters of content around them. Use internal linking to connect these pieces, signaling to search engines that your site is an authority on these topics.


  • Long-tail keywords: These are phrases containing three or more words that are more specific and less competitive than shorter keywords.

  • Keyword intent: Refers to the purpose behind a search query. It can be informational, navigational, transactional, or commercial, indicating the user’s goal.

  • SEO difficulty: A metric indicating how hard it would be to rank for a specific keyword based on competition and other factors.

  • Cost per click (CPC): The amount advertisers pay for each click on their ads for a specific keyword.

  • Content clusters: A strategy of organizing content around central themes to create a comprehensive network of interlinked articles.



Keyword research is where it all begins. With AI making generating content easier and easier, it’s becoming more crucial to have a sharp keyword strategy. By focusing on long-tail keywords, leveraging the right tools, understanding keyword intent, and analyzing competitors, you can drive more traffic to your site and improve your rankings.

Which of these strategies have you tried? Reply to this email with anything that’s worked for you, and we’ll share it in an upcoming newsletter (with a backlink, of course 😏)!

Presented by MEGA SEO